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Mission & Our Story

foundational concepts of owning and operating a company at the age of eleven. Upon entering the Chicago Vocational High School he majored in graphic arts/printing, and after two years entered into a work-study program. This program allowed him to work in his major, during a portion of his school hours for his junior and senior year. Dr. Nicholson worked at a local printing company for six years and eventually used the skills obtained during junior achievement and the work-study program, to start his very own printing company, Cottage Grove Printing. Opening a second location after only two years, he successfully owned and operated this business as a graphics arts entrepreneur for over ten years before receiving the call to full-time ministry.

Through the ARK, Dr. Nicholson and his team will develop tomorrows leaders through these four major areas of service: Business Development, Training & Support Services, Workforce Development, and Mentoring & Coaching. Youth will be taught skills in website development, graphic arts, photography, music, app development and will be taught to repurpose those skills to create thriving businesses.  

The vision of The ARK Entrepreneurial Center is to close the gap of work opportunities for youth exiting college by equipping tomorrows leaders with the tools to create the opportunities themselves.


The mission of ARK Entrepreneurial Center is to increase opportunities for inner-city youth through entrepreneurial development.

The agency was founded through the entrepreneurial spirit that was birthed in Dr. Nicholson at a young age. This helped to shape his belief it is never to early to teach our children about entrepreneurship. His introduction to business ownership came when he was a grammar school student. Through a program, known as Junior Achievement, in conjunction with RR Donnelly printing company, he was taught skills and

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